It is extremely important to prepare your body for a juice cleanse.
Jumping right into the cleanse without giving yourself a chance to
adjust to the cleanse program can cause extra stress on the body!
So plainging to take one last bite of that cheeseburger with your
favourite soda is definitely not a good idea!
The Pre-Cleanse is how you ease your body at the start of your cleanse by following a gentle, vegan diet 1-2 days. Take this time to simplify your diet and focus on consuming raw fruits and veggies.
Slowly take away meat, processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants before the cleanse so you can curb any headaches that could creep up!
We suggest you eliminate your intake of the following to prepare your body ;
- Meat
- Dairy products
- Flour products
- Caffeine
- Processed and foods with preservatives
- Alcohol and Cigarettes
We then recommend that you increase your intake of ;
- Vegetable Soups
- Salads
- Fresh Fruits
- Nuts
- Whole Grains
- Herbal Teas
The Cleanse programs include 6x 500ml. juices per day that are numbered in the order in which they are to be ingested approximately every 2 hours (make sure you finish the last juice at least 2 hours before you sleep). Get into the habit of drinking one glass of water with the juice of half a lemon squeezed in first thing int the morning to wake up your system and get things moving. This will also increase the benefits and effectiveness of the Cleanse. Remember that you can drink as much water & herbal teas as you wish between each juice. If you experience ‘coffee withdrawal headache’, drinking green tea should ease it off.
It is up to you what time you want to start your cleanse, juist make sure you drink the last juice 2 hours before you go to bed.
Do I have to drink the juice in order?
Yes, the juices have been designed to be consumed in a certain sequence that directly effect how you absorb, assimilates, and digest nutrients. For example, the green juice is designed for the morning, as it’s chlorophyll based and your body will easily absorb all of the vitamins and nutrients on an empty stomach. However, if you switch the order is not a big deal at all!
Can I exercise during cleanse?
Everyone is different. If you are feeling tired, which can happen form your body shifting a great deal of energy to focus on cleansing, then you should respect that and take it easy. On the other hand, some people feel a great of energy and are comfortable working out. A great workout suggestion would be a walk, a yoga class or maybe even a swim. Listen to you body is the most important thing!
I have to travel away urgently – can I take the juices with me?
If you are traveling, please use the cooler bag or a foam box to transport the juice and refreeze the ice packs to maintain its freshness. This will maintain the temperature of your juices for up to 4 hours. But if you are going to be traveling longer than that, it is not a good idea.
What if I need to attend a business meeting or social events?
If you have a situation where you must eat, try to keep the food as raw and whole as possible – think salads, with loads of fresh fruits and vegetable, no creamy dressings, meat, etc. It won’t ruin your cleanse, but try and schedule your cleanse when these commitments are minimal or non-existent.
I’m struggling to drink the green juice – can I just skip them?
It’s normal to struggle with the green at first but it’s worth it to keep trying. Drink it with straw, sip slowly, sip it more and next thing you know your bottle is empty! Well done you! 🙂
Will I need to use the bathroom more than usual?
MeJuice Cleanse are designed to alkalize and give your digestive system a break. If you are moderately healthy, you will have normal to a bit above normal bowel movements. You also may make a few more trips to relieve your bladder if your body is not used to consuming large volumes of liquids, but this is just your body’s natural process for eliminating toxins
Can I smoke and/or drink alcohol?
You already know the answer to this. Coffee and alcohol may dehydrate you and can also interfere with the absorption of certain key nutrients required for your cleanse. If you are committing to taking this cleanse we encourage you to allow your body the full healing process it deserves.
Can I take medication and vitamin supplements during my cleanse?
It is best to check with your Doctor about your medications. You can take your normal supplements, but your may not need them since the cleanse products meet your nutritional needs.
Congratulations! Now that you have done the hard work, it’s time to extend all of the benefits from having completed your juice cleanse.
Slowly introduce your system to ‘solid’ foods again. But forget that pizza or steak you’ve been dreaming for, you’ve come this far, you don’t want to ruin your cleanse! Start with fruits, leafy salads and steamed vegetables and be sure to chew everything well. After a day or so you can introduce fish and lean meats if desired. Eat less but more often.
Breaking the Cleanse -Menu Planning :
DAY 1: Have a smoothie for breakfast, vegetable salad for lunch, quinoa or brown rice with finely chopped apples, celery, and parsley for dinner.
DAY 2: Fresh fruit for breakfast, grains salad with or without tofu for lunch, and vegetable soup for dinner.
DAY 3: If you eat animal protein, choose any small white flesh fish (streamed or poached) and vegetable salad.
DAY 4: Return to your diet of preference, but try to limit dairy, meat, and wheat.
Tips :
Keep flushing your system with lots of water, herbal teas, or fresh juices.
You can eat the solid version of the food from our juice cleanse such as spring green, spinach, celery, carrots, apple, and pineapple, and use lemon as your salad dressing.
Chew, chew and chew! saliva contains enzymes that aid digestion. Break down solid food as much as possible using your mouth so your digestive doesn’t have to work extra hard.